This section outlines funding that is available exclusively for clubs.
Subs Funding
This is a bank account managed by the Students' Union which is set up for you so that you can raise funds for your club through memberships, sponsorships etc. The purpose of this account is for the club to raise funds for itself; therefore, it is up to your club what you spend the money on.
Grant Funding
Each year, the Students' Union receives a block grant from the University. A proportion of this is made available to clubs through the Club Sport Development plan. This will be ring fenced for certain costs including facilities, affiliations, BUCS/LUSL entries, coaching, competitions, officials, equipment and transport.
Club Sport Development Fund
Queen Mary Students’ Union has set aside funds generated from the Club Sport membership that aims to enhance the student experience and create a sustainable support structure to aid the growth and development of clubs within the Students’ Union Club Sport programme. The fund aims to promote and engage students with innovative thinking. Clubs can apply for up to £500 per application to fund projects, resources and unexpected costs throughout the year. This will then be voted on by your Club Sport Board. There will be three rounds of funding each academic year.
We are currently finalising the details of this grant so please check this page later.
Financial Support Fund
This fund subsidises costs associated with sports participation for students in financial hardship. The fund aims to widen access to sport at Queen Mary and Barts and The London to students who are unable to access sport due to financial barriers, which will benefit them physically, mentally and make them more employable. There will be three rounds of funding each academic year.
We are currently finalising the details of this grant so please check this page later.