Course Reps work closely with their respective School Representative to resolve issues that affect more than one cohort and share best practice. Find out more here.

School Representatives

Course Reps work closely with their respective School Representative to resolve issues that affect more than one cohort and share best practice.

This page explains what the School Reps are and how to contact them.

What do School Reps do?

School Reps are elected Part-Time Officers. The School Reps are members of Student Council, and they Chair the School Forums for their school.

The School Reps’ responsibilities are:

  • Engage with and lobby Queen Mary University of London and other relevant organisations to achieve improvements for the students they represent.
  • Seek feedback from their cohort in order accurately to represent their interests.
  • Where appropriate, support the Executive Committee in their duties and responsibilities and seek support from them with respect to their own duties and responsibilities.
  • Cooperate and coordinate with officers and representatives with the same remit across different campuses, where appropriate.
  • Liaise with members of student groups relevant to their role.
  • Carry out all other duties as stated in their role description, which will be determined by Student Council and reviewed from time to time.

How do School Reps and Course Reps work together?

While Course Reps focus on issues that affect students within a specific course or specialism, School Reps focus on issues that affect students on multiple courses within their school.

It’s not always obvious if an issue affects students on multiple courses, so the School Reps organise School Forums for the Course Reps within their school. The Forums take place at least once per term and are chaired by the School Rep. The Forums are meant to be an opportunity for School Reps to provide updates to Course Reps, gather feedback from Course Reps and facilitate that Course Reps can share best practice.

If you are a Course Rep, you’ll be contacted directly with further information about the next School Forum.

Sometimes, you may also want to escalate an issue to the School Rep outside of the School Forums. If you think an issue is affecting students on other courses, you can contact the School Rep and make them aware of the issue. The School Rep may also be able to offer general advice and assistance if you are unsure how to take an issue forward within a School.

How do I find my School Rep?

There’s a total of 16 School Reps; 8 for Humanities and Social Sciences, 5 for Science and Engineering and 3 for Medicine and Dentistry.

To find your School Rep, please refer to the Part-Time Officers page.

School Forums are meetings chaired by your School Representative. These are attended by all course representatives within your School. These Forums are an opportunity to:

  • provide updates to your fellow reps about what you’ve been working on
  • discuss any issues you’ve been having with your fellow reps
  • offer each other support and suggestions
  • come up with solutions for shared problems

I’m not a course rep, can I still attend a School Forum?

All students are welcome to attend a Forum in their School, but you will need to contact the School Rep to invite you to the Forum.

Deputy Chairs

At the first School Forum of the academic year, the members of the School Forum elect among themselves a Deputy Chair. If the School Rep is absent or the position is vacant, the Deputy Chair will be responsible for the School Rep’s duties in relation to the School Forum, including liaising with the Faculty VPs and relevant staff members to ensure feedback from the Forum is passed on to relevant parties.

Recent News

Course Rep of the Month Winners

Tue 11 Mar 2025

Course Rep of the Month is our scheme designed to recognise and reward the hard work that our amazing Course Reps do!


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Course Reps

Contact your Students’ Union with any questions you may have.