Discuss and debate a wide range of issues from fees and cuts, to environmental issues, to the direction you want your Students’ Union to take.

Club Sport Board

The Club Sport Board is a group made up of representatives from the Students' Union's Sports Clubs to develop and help steer the management and development of Club Sport. The board is made up of the two elected sports officers as well as four elected representatives from Queen Mary Clubs and four elected representatives from Barts and The London Clubs. They will approve club affiliations, approve Club Sport Development Fund applications and plan events such as Merger Cup and Sports Awards as well as campaigns as part of their role to ensure we are representing the student voice within Club Sport. They are there for you to contact with any club related queries, questions or changes you would like to implement so please utilise them as an extremely helpful tool to have!


The Club Sport Board is co-chaired between the Mile End Sports Officer, and the Barts and The London Sports Officer. There are also four Mile End Representatives and four BL representatives.

The members are:

The Club Sport Board meet once a month and always want to encourage students to submit motions and you can do this by emailing our sports officers or su-sportsadministrator@qmul.ac.uk

Next meeting
  • Tuesday 13th September
  • Tuesday 11th October
  • Tuesday 15th November
  • Tuesday 6th December
  • Tuesday 24th January
  • Tuesday 14th February
  • Tuesday 14th March

The Board meetings are formal meetings that follow an agenda, and the Secretary takes minutes of the meetings. The agendas will be published five working days before the meeting, and minutes will be published after they have been ratified.

Agenda Minutes
Tuesday 13th September 2022 Download
Tuesday 11th October 2022 Download

QM Club Sport Board Election 2024/25

Club Sport Board Election for the four QM positions in 2024/25. The Club Sport Board is a group made up of representatives from the Students' Union's Sports Clubs to develop and help steer the management of Club Sport. The board is made up of the two elected sports officers, four elected representatives from Queen Mary Clubs and four elected representatives from Barts and The London Clubs. Important decisions are made throughout the year on club sport finances, additional funding, club sport processes and also events like our internal varsity Merger Cup and Sports Awards!! Please be aware that Club Sport Board meetings take place three times per Semester, on Tuesday evenings from 5pm and can take up to 2 hours. Attendance at these meetings is extremely important as the Board cannot vote on matters unless minimum voting requirements are met. You will gain many transferable skills from being part of the board that will look great on your CV and help you during your career later in life. Please note: This position is open for QM students only.

1 post is up for election.

Nominations close at 16:00 on Friday 19 July 2024 (in 3 days and 9 hours)

The polls open at 16:01 on Friday 19 July 2024 (in 3 days and 9 hours)