QMSU's Green Impact

Green Impact is a national accreditation scheme run by Students Organising for Sustainability and allows us to measure our progress on sustainability and compare our efforts to those at other Universities across the country.

What we've done

In 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21, we received Excellent, which is the highest Green Impact ranking. In 2022/23 we achieved a ranking of very good – this year we have been putting lots in place to get us back up to Excellent!

Things we have achieved and are working towards:

  • Reducing our waste by cutting down on printed materials and championing paperless communication channels.
  • Exploring ways to reduce single use plastic including introduction of our new coffee cup recycling stations this year (23/24).
  • We revamped our annual Re-Use Fair, diverting 1.4 tonnes of items from landfill to over 400 happy students something we’re hoping to exceed in the 24/25 academic year.
  • We have saved over 700 meals through our Too Good To Go partnership.

What's next?

To build on this progress our Sustainability Board developed and approved an Environmental Policy in March 2021. We are now:

  • Developing SMART action targets to champion sustainability and create behaviour change.
  • Developing our allotments to create a community space coming to you in the 24/25 academic year!
  • Continuing to engage our students in our sustainability decision through the Sustainability Board and volunteering opportunities.
Environmental Policy

Recent News

Disability-Inclusive Climate Action: Insights from COP 29 and SDGs

Fri 20 Dec 2024

To conclude and and in celebrations of Disability History Month at Queen Mary’s Student Union and QMUL’s recent participation in COP29, let's explore the importance of disability-inclusive climate action, and examine the intersectionality between
sustainable development goals and disability.

Climate Action Week 2024

Thu 25 Jan 2024


Contact Us


Contact the Sustainability team at your Students’ Union with any questions you may have.