The page descriptions appear in the explore section as well as at the top of each page.
Editing the page description
Go to page
Find the page you want to edit.
Edit the page
Hit the pencil in the navigation bar and select 'edit page' from the dropdown.
Open metadata
Across the top are a number of options, select 'Metadata'.
Edit description
In the 'descripton' section, change the description.
Save changes
Scroll to the bottom and hit save.
Not sure what to write?
Try using Chat GPT. With a decent prompt, you can generate really great intros for your pages. Check out this example:
Prompt: Write one sentence about what a students' union does.
Result: A students' union is an organisation run by and for students that aims to represent their interests and provide support, services, and opportunities for social, cultural, and political engagement on campus.