Tamil Society Event Featured In The Tamil Guardian

Our Tamil Society has gained well-deserved recognition as they featured recently in the Tamil Guardian for their exhilarating Olympic Games event held on 2 April 2023.

AchievementsClubs and Societies

Our Tamil Society has gained well-deserved recognition as they featured recently in the Tamil Guardian for their exhilarating Olympic Games event held on 2 April 2023. This feature is a remarkable achievement and celebrated the impressive event which was orchestrated by Qm Tamil Society, Bart's Tamil Society and ES Sport. The article highlights the society's commitment to fostering inclusivity and described some of the activities which took place on the day.

Breaking away from traditional norms, participants of all genders and from various universities competed to be crowned the TSOC Olympic champions. Events included track, field and mixed events aswell as a TSOC all star football match where London played against the Rest of the UK. London were crowned the winners after an exhilirating match.

A book of records was introduced so that winners and their times, scores and achievements could be recorded and added as base line to beat next year. Queen Mary and Barts' were the winners overall, with Kent coming second and Kent and Greenwich joint third.

The event was an amazing opportunity for people to participate in sports when they had no previous opportunity to, and to enjoy new sports that they had never tried. We want to say a huge congratulations to the Tamil society and all the hard work they put into organising the event and for the amazing write up they had online. 

You can read the full article on the Tamil Guardian here.


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