DDS can currently add an ‘EC Evidence’ support type, signalling that students with certain conditions may not typically need to provide evidence when making a claim. Although this feature was lacking while reviewing requests previously, a big thanks to our Vice-President for Science and Engineering, Aisha Qadi's constant effort this has now been added to the reviewing process, successfully achieving yet another manifesto goal.

Our Vice-President for Science and Engineering, Aisha Qadi, has been working hard on improving the Extenuating Circumstances support from the Disability and Dyslexia Service (DDS).
There are times in life when things happen unexpectedly. Sometimes these unexpected events mean that deadlines are hard to meet, or coursework is a struggle. The University’s ‘Extenuating Circumstances’ process can help when something beyond a students’ control means that a deadline can no longer be met.
DDS can currently add an ‘EC Evidence’ support type, signalling that students with certain conditions may not typically need to provide evidence when making a claim. Although this feature was lacking while reviewing requests previously, a big thanks to Aisha’s constant effort this has now been added to the reviewing process, successfully achieving yet another manifesto goal. The aim of this is to enhance clarity regarding when a student has experienced Extenuating Circumstances – related support from the Disability and Dyslexia Service (DDS).
The intention behind this adjustment is to offer better support to students and improve clarity during the process.
We also have a dedicated Disability and Dyslexia Service at university, and you can find out more about how to reach out to them and their services here,
The university provides support for students facing Extenuating Circumstances, including extensions for deadlines, as well as a dedicated Disability and Dyslexia Service. You can find out more about the support provided by the university here.