Half-way through Semester 1: our Executive Officers’ wins so far

Our Executive Officers have already started to make waves with their projects to improve students’ lives here at Queen Mary Students’ Union.

We have officially hit the half-way point of the first semester, which means our Executive Officers have already started to make waves with their projects to improve students’ lives here at Queen Mary Students’ Union. We're highlighting the progress already made by our Execs this academic year, so you know what’s happening behind the scenes at your Students’ Union!

Tahmid Khan, President

The President is the key spokesperson for the Students’ Union, and this is currently Tahmid. He represents and campaigns on matters relating to the education and welfare of students across Queen Mary University of London.

What are your current projects that you’re working on?

  • I have launched a new survey on faith and contemplation spaces for all Queen Mary students and staff members to fill out! I’m hoping that this will help ensure that our faith and contemplation facilities can be expanded and increased in number in the future, to meet the high demand that they currently receive.

  • I’m working on major reform of our student representation and governance structures with the Student Voice Team. The project is still a work in progress and changes will be proposed over the coming months once finalised. This is being done with an independent eternal consultant called CounterCulture. The hope is that by reforming, we will make the Students’ Union a more efficient and accountable body for students, as well as simplify the methods for engaging with the Students’ Union.

  • I am working on improving communication between the Students’ Union, the University, and student groups, in relation to the situation in Gaza and Lebanon. This has involved setting up a new group to look at campus relations and arranging meetings with affected student groups. Through this work, I aim to open honest conversations about investments and partnerships at the University, the safety and protection of students during this period, and ensure that all students have the opportunity and ability to express themselves on the matter.

What are your recent achievements in your role?

  • New lights have been installed outside of Pooley House on Mile End campus and in the seating area near Novo Cemetery as part of my lighting improvement project.

  • I lobbied and prevented a change in the module evaluation system to ensure that student privacy is maintained for those who respond to module experience surveys. I am now working with senior university colleagues to ensure that the Students’ Union is actively engaged in all conversations and decisions about any possible changes.

What’s your favourite moment so far?

  • My favourite moment is probably trying to get a good picture with a lamppost to show off my lighting win – my height didn't do me any favours.
Rahma Hegy, Vice President Barts and the London

Rahma is the voice of all School of Medicine and Dentistry students, in her position as VP Barts and the London. This means that she heads the work of the BLSA Board, consulting with our BL students to represent their views and act on issues affecting them.

What are your current projects that you’re working on?

  • I currently have a comprehensive survey running, to enhance the assessment experience for all medical students, called the MBBS Assessment Survey.

  • I’m distributing culturally and religiously inclusive personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure equitable placement experiences for all students, regardless of cultural, religious, or health needs. Following distribution, I will assess demand and propose a plan to the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (FMD) for lobbying hospital trusts to align with NHS guidelines on inclusive PPE and for FMD to fund some.

  • I’m advocating for increased financial support due to the cost of living crisis, emphasising the unique financial strain of extended medical and dental programmes with mandatory placements.

  • I’m planning engaging events in the Garrod Building, including an exhibition, hijab trials, refreshments, resource stalls, a henna artist, and a talk on Muslim contributions to medicine and beyond.

What are your recent achievements in your role?

  • I have secured some disposable sleeves and disposable head-pieces stock to be distributed to students for free. This is in line with a policy passed by the AMM last year and adopted by the student BMA on a national level, on inclusive PPE for students on placements.

  • I collaborated with the Library team to ensure the Whitechapel Library renovations meet both academic and well-being needs. Key suggestions include more silent study areas, group spaces, and a contemplation room for reflection and prayer.

  • I successfully chaired the student panel at the FMD Educational Strategy Day, effectively communicating student perspectives to faculty from various schools

  • I reconnected with the Malta campus, providing essential support and strengthening student relations.

  • I supported the BL Treasurer in distributing £6000 in hardship and inclusion funding to student groups.

What are your favourite moments so far?

  • Welcoming and connecting with freshers at the BL Freshers Fair was an incredibly rewarding experience, showcasing the warmth of our community.

  • Visiting and engaging with Malta’s medical students and BLSA Malta was both productive and enjoyable, strengthening our bond across campuses.

Hassam Naeem, VP Liberation, International and Postgraduates

As VP Liberation, International and Postgraduates, Hassam ensures that our student communities (liberation groups, international students, and postgraduates) can thrive and feel supported during their time at Queen Mary.

What are your current projects that you’re working on?

  • I am developing a Cultural Unity Week in collaboration with the Part Time Officers (PTOs) to mitigate unconscious biases in our community based on nationality and culture. I aim to create a positive environment of cultural exchange within the Queen Mary community through multiple events.

  • I am lobbying to increase scholarship amounts, add ineligible programmes, and enhance transparency in the Global Talent Scholarship award process for international students.

  • I am advocating for QMSU societies and events to be accessible for alumni and working on a new option on the QMSU portal for alumni registration.

  • I am incorporating sustainability in all liberation campaigns this year by emphasising recurring messages from QMSU to promote sustainable practice in daily life.

  • I am collaborating with the VP Welfare and VP Humanities and Social Sciences to install bidets, with the proposal already approved by Sticky Campus.

What are your recent achievements in your role?

  • I hosted a pre-departure briefing session in collaboration with four PTOs for the first time in history, specifically for international students.

  • I successfully rebranded the theme of our Islamic Heritage Month this year.

  • I organised a successful sustainability event, featuring a book raffle titled “Black Voices for Environmental Justice” – our first liberation campaign.

  • I secured funding from the Residential Team for events during Cultural Unity Week.

What are your favourite moments so far?

  • I enjoyed welcoming our new students to QM Residential Hall.

  • I enjoyed collaborating with our Sustainability Officer at Mile End to incorporate sustainability into every liberation campaign this year.

Nabihah Ali, Vice President Welfare

Nabihah is our VP Welfare, which mean she engages in campaigns related to mental health, housing, equality of opportunity and student support. She represents students on matters relating to improving student welfare, such as finance, safety and health.

What are your current projects that you’re working on?

  • I am reviewing payment deadlines and trying to get rid of late payment fees for self-funded students.

  • I am setting up a women’s only space on campus.

  • I am setting up a food pantry on our Whitechapel campus.

What are your recent achievements in your role?

  • I brought in NHS Blood and Transport for Black History Month’s ‘What’s Your Blood Type?’ events in which over 100 new blood donors were registered.

  • I have run regular Women’s Wellbeing Walks.

  • I received recent agreement from the University to pilot bookable booths (individual meeting booths) in student spaces.

Jovani Palnoni, Vice President Humanities and Social Sciences

As VP Humanities and Social Sciences, Jovani shapes the future of students in the Faulty of Humanities and Social Sciences in order to deliver the best educational experience to students.

What are your current projects that you’re working on?

  • As part of my ‘students who work’ project, we’ve seen how the cost of living crisis has had a significant impact in the UK, especially with students, who for many of them now have to work alongside their studies without having the option to not do so. This is a reality that is being faced around the UK. And needs ourt attention. To better understand the specific challenges faced by our students, I’ve been collaborating with my colleagues at the Students’ Union, and we have developed a survey which will capture our students’ experiences. It is now live, and we are eager to gather feedback and use the results to create initiatives that can help improve our students’ experience at university.

  • Another initiative I’m working on, in collaboration with other officers from the Students’ Union and the University, is the installation of bidets on campus. This is something that has come up repeatedly as something the students have wanted for a long time and is also one of my policies passed to me. We’re in the early stages of progress but are committed to making this change for the students.

What are your recent achievements in your role?

  • As it’s Islamic Heritage Month, I’ve been working with fellow colleagues at the Students’ Union student societies to host different events. One of the major events is a careers event, where Muslim professionals will discuss their experiences of the work life, balancing their faith with work and practical solutions they’ve found. This is a great opportunity to learn from role models who have navigated the unique obstacles that come with balancing their faith and career. Additionally, I’ve been collaborating with the Islamic Society to set up an Islamic Awareness stall, in Library Square. This initiative aims to foster inclusivity and understanding across campus. The stall will feature an Islamic speaker, who will be talking to people on campus, addressing common misconceptions about Islam, proving a space for open conversation.

Al-Habib Mraish, Vice President Science & Engineering

This year, our VP Science and Engineering is Al-Habib, who oversees a wide variety of projects and play a key part in shaping Queen Mary Students' Union to benefit students within the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

What are your current projects that you’re working on?

  • One of the projects I’m working on this year is to help provide research internships for students in poverty or from low-income economic backgrounds during the summer. I have had discussions with relevant people in the faculty to discuss scope, delivery and funding. This would not only provide financial assistance to these students, but also long-term value through the industry experience they gain and the skills they develop over the term,

  • I am working with the VP Welfare, Nabihah Ali, and the University’s Student Experience team to adapt the academic advisor scheme in response to the previous review of the scheme. In response to these discussions, we will be launching focus groups within S&E schools in order to gather more detailed student feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the current schemes practiced in the different schools.

  • I am working with Anthony Michael and the Queen Mary Academy to draft guidance and policies that will balance assessment weightings with quantity of assessments, as well as guidance on ensuring authenticity in assessments.

What are your recent achievements in your role?

  • I have continued work with the ECG that was started by my predecessor, Aisha, last year, and had a very constructive first meeting; many members shared examples of good practice and ideas on implementing employability.

  • The PTOs for S&E have been very engaged this year early on; all school reps attended the first S&E Board in October, and all had very good project ideas, with some having already started on some of their projects. Many have also raised initiatives that align with my priorities on assessments and employability.

For more information on our Executive Officers, please visit our page here.
Does this sound like something you want to get involved with in the future? Keep an eye out for spring elections next year to nominate yourself!

If you have any questions, please free to reach out to su-representation@qmul.ac.uk.

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