Goodbye to our Executive Officers 2022-23

We say a massive thank you and a sad goodbye to our Executive Officers who have served this year. We spoke to each of them to find out what their best and favourite achievements (to name a few) were.

RepresentativesSU WinsYour Voice

The Students’ Union is run by students just like you, and our six Executive Officers are full-time, paid students who, just like with our general elections in the UK, get elected via a voting system. They are here to help and support you and bridge the gap between students and the university with help and advice. As the academic years draws to a close, we say a massive thank you and a sad goodbye to our Executive Officers who have served this year. Over the course of the year they have been working hard on projects, campaigns and lobbying the university to make changes that benefit you. We spoke to each of them to find out what their best and favourite achievements (to name a few) were.

Jojo, VP Welfare

  • We spent a lot of time this year on Cost of Living projects which were all rewarding, but I am most proud of opening a food pantry in the SU where students can take what they need to help reduce food costs. 

  • Leading on the Study Well campaign was also a really exciting project where I got to continue work from previous years as well as bring in my own new ideas. A highlight of this was being able to give away meal kits to relieve some pressure of the Cost of Living and making sure people are well nourished during the exam period. 

  • We also restarted Faith Forum which hadn't been running since pre-covid times. We had to rethink this as students' needs have changed over those years. We met with multiple faith societies individually to get feedback on the faith spaces which has led into a wider project around improving our faith spaces so they are accessible for all faith groups.


Muneer, VP Science & Engineering

  • I worked with Course Reps and Part Time Officers to lobby the university around assessment formats and exam arrangements across the faculty of Science & Engineering. Just some context, the work on exams had mixed results, we had a really good survey that had hundreds of responses from students but the university didn't budge in most places. There were some cases where exams that were scheduled to be in person were moved online after lobbying, so that was a win for students.

  • Hosting part of the Education Awards. This was obviously with the other sabb but I had such a killer speech (if I say so myself) it was definitely a highlight. 

  • Supporting Rahma Hegy (SMD Clinical Rep) on her work to get Fridays 1pm-2pm blocked off from teaching for SMD students.


Charlie, VP Barts and The London

  • In total, I secured over £80,000 for student groups and hardship funding for students at Barts and The London, as well as working with the School of Medicine and Dentistry to instate a significant Cost-of-Living hardship bursary. 

  • I played a major role in the £6 Million investment to relocate the BLSA facilities into bespoke spaces, including the design of the new Cafe/Bar, allocation of space, and considerations of operational usage and decant. This also included a major lobbying project to ensure that Multi Faith Prayer facilities were included within the scope of the project. 

  • I wrote articles condemning, and started a national campaign in favour of, reforming the NHS Bursary, and how it damns Medical and Dental students to significant reductions in funding. This was signed by over 50% of Medical School Deans nationwide, and 70% of Medical Student Associations. As a result, this issue was then picked up by the Medical Schools Council and is ongoing. 


Saynab, VP Humanaties and Social Sciences

  • I was excited to have started the first Decolonise campaign. There were many events for students and it was great to see them participate and embrace the campaign.

  • I lobbied to improve accessibility, including digital, for students, such as captioning for online lectures, and a lot of work on MME.  

  • It was great to be a part of awards ceremonies and see students recognised for their hardwork,e.g. Education Awards, Societies Awards etc.


Radhika, VP Communities

  • I oversaw the introduction of free period products across all Queen Mary campuses.

  • I lobbied for more investment in QMSU's advocacy process to improve support for students attending academic and disciplinary panels.

  • I lobbied for improved financial and other support for international students.


Adi, President

  • I've worked throughout the year with Queen Mary Students Union staff on the development of the new strategy for the Students' Union.

  • I contributed to national policy making through our involvement with Russell Group Student Unions, including the Cost of Living research report.

  • I lobbied the university for immediate improvements to the student experience in relation to Cost of Living and Sticky Campus.


We wish all our 2022/23 Executive Officers good luck for the future and we can't wait to see what other things they go on to achieve. We welcome our new Officers for this year so keep an eye out for an introduction soon and you can read their manifestios here.


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