Additional Annual Student Meeting - Outcomes

Read about what happened at the Annual Student Meeting on Friday 12 July and view the motions that were passed

An additional Annual Student Meeting was held on Friday 12th July 2024, following a successful student petition. The annual meeting gives all students the opportunity to debate and vote on a range of issues and ideas put forward by other students. Over 200 individual students attended throughout the event, which was held online. The policies passed will be subject to review and approval from the Students' Union's Board of Trustees where required.

A total of 7 motions were discussed, voted on and approved by students at the meeting;

  • Should Students' Union incorporate Apartheid-Off-Campus Week in the Students’ Union Liberation Calendar? - this motion passed and is now active as policy.

  • Should the Students' Union only sell and distribute prepackaged drinks from local businesses? - this motion was passed, but will be referred to the Board of Trustees as it could have potential financial implications for the Students' Union. Therefore, this policy remains inactive at present.

  • Should the Students' Union introduce mandatory Islamophobia awareness training to all Students' Union staff including Executive Officers and lobby the university to implement the training for all Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) staff? - this motion passed and is now active as policy.

  • Should the Students' Union lobby Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) to negotiate with the QMUL Encampment for Palestine and agree to the following demands from the Encampment? - this motion will now be referred to the Board of Trustees as there may be some parts where there are restrictions under charity law and other legislation which limit the Students' Union's ability to act. Therefore, this policy remains inactive at present.

  • Should the Students' Union lobby the university to create a platform where students & staff are able to raise issues regarding security staff on campus anonymously? - this motion passed and is now active as policy.

  • Should the Students' Union reform the external speakers process to be more transparent with student groups & societies about their external speakers review process? - this motion passed and is now active as policy.

  • Should the Students' Union pressure Queen Mary (QMUL) to stop the Westfield Nursery closure and consider the students' voice? - this motion passed and is now active as policy.

The following motions were not debated or voted on due to the following reasons;

  • Should the Students' Union organise more intercultural events for university students during studies as well as after studies? - this motion had no seconder. The proposer was contacted regarding this but did not respond.

  • Should the Students' Union ensure a seamless transition for new students? - Neither the proposer, or seconder to this motion were present at the meeting.

The passed motions now become Students' Union policy. The Students' Union will now consider how it can take these motions forward. You can view the full details for each motion on the Annual Student Meeting webpage

View voting records from the meeting



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