We have curated this list of spaces on campus that you can access to read, write, research or even take a break, as a postgrad, here at QMUL.

Studying and researching at a campus university is great – if you know where you can and cannot access. We know that as postgraduate students, it’s important that you can have spaces on campus that feel like you’re studying at a postgraduate level, rather than your previous experience during your undergraduate degrees. After feedback from our Postgraduate Consultation Group, we discovered that many postgraduates aren’t sure what postgraduate spaces are available to them and that knowing this would help build a strong postgraduate community. Therefore, we have curated this list of spaces on campus that you can access to read, write, research or even take a break, as a postgrad, here at QMUL.
For all postgraduates:
In addition to the general study spaces in our Mile End Library, there are two rooms dedicated to silent PGR and PGT study. These are located on the second floor of the library - PGRs are based in 2.30 and PGTs are based in 2.31. Of course, the perks of studying in the Mile End library are access to our print books archive, the Academic Skills Centre and vending machines for snacking mid-research session.
There is also a Postgraduate Reading Room in the Graduate Centre on the seventh floor for further silent study. However, on the same floor, you will find the Postgraduate Common Room. This includes a kitchen for all postgraduates to use. This sky-high building gives you stunning views of Canary Wharf and East London – treating you to a reminder for why you chose London to be the home of your postgraduate journey.
During term time, both buildings are open 24/7, but please note that you will need your student ID card for access.
For postgraduates in the School of the Arts:
The School of the Arts, the recently merged School of English and Drama with the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film. Again, the ground floor foyer of ArtsOne is not a postgraduate exclusive space, however it is a great place to casually study with a variety of seating arrangements. There is also a newly renovated PGR space in IQ East 1.01, just across Mile End Road from our main campus – a great opportunity to have a tiny bit of distance from you and the busy campus! 
For postgraduates in the School of Biological and Behavioural Science:
The School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences has ‘The Hub’ on the third floor of the Fogg Building, which is a shared space for postgraduates (PGT and PGR) and staff in both SBBS and the School of Economic Engineering and Computer Science.
For postgraduates in the School of Business and Management:
The School of Business and Management has two rooms for their PGRs to work in. Each room has about twenty desks with hot-desking in operation; these rooms are FB 3.43 and FB 2.11. Unfortunately, there are currently no SBM spaces dedicated to PGT students at this date.
For postgraduates in the School of Economics and Finance:
The School of Economics and Finance is based in the Graduate Centre, so alongside the general postgraduate spaces in that building, you can also find SEF’s study spaces for the students on their programmes. These spaces, however, are not exclusive to postgraduates. The Bloomberg Lab on the third floor is a place for quiet study with no food or drink. Then on the fourth and fifth floors of the Graduate Centre hosts small study cubicles that SEF students can book, as well as a kitchen on each floor.

For postgraduates in the School of Geography:
The School of Geography has one room available for PGTs within their school, which includes six managed PCs and two tables for teamwork, which can be found in the Geography Building. As well as three offices for PGRs with managed PCs – these rooms vary in size from seven to fourteen workspaces, and a kitchen on the same floor.
For postgraduates in the School of History:
The School of History has two spaces for PGRs in ArtsTwo, there is a computer room in ArtsTwo 3.18, as well as the Senior Common Room on the fourth floor of the building. There is a small outdoor terrace that you can access through the common room, should you want to sit outside during your research sessions.
For postgraduates in the School of Law:
The School of Law has a postgraduate-only school, therefore their entire space on the Lincoln’s Inn Fields campus is entirely postgraduate exclusive. Their building has eight classrooms, one LLM computing suite, one PhD computing suite and several meeting rooms. For less study-heavy activities, there is also a small hangout room and a breakout space from the main lecture theatre.
For postgraduates in the School of Mathematical Science:
The School of Mathematical Science has a PhD office in the Maths Building (MB-402), for exclusive use by PGRs in Maths doing quiet study. Alternatively, there is a PGT study space in MB-303 in the same building with quiet, bookable desks. Bonus points for more stunning London views out of the windows in these spaces!

For postgraduates in the School of Politics and International Relations:
The School of Politics and International Relations has a room in ArtsOne for their PGRs (2.17) as well as a kitchen area with a small table and a few chairs in ArtsOne 2.40, should you want some warm food or drink during your working day.
We hope this article encourages you to step out of your routine and comfort zone to trial out some new study spaces on our campus. Trailing out new spaces to carry out your research can be a great way to keep your studies exciting and fresh – plus, you might meet new people in these different spaces!