Date embedded: February 2022
Proposed by: Talhah Atcha (President)
Seconded by: Shamima Akter (VP Welfare); Annika Ramos (VP Education)
What do you want?
- Any and all external organisations that any student groups affiliate with should first be vetted by the Executive Committee at the earliest External Speakers (or similar) meeting possible. Note any external organisations the Union affiliates with as a whole should go to the Annual Members Meeting
- Any and all external sponsorships and room/stall bookings by non-QMSU organisations that any Student Group, Rep or Staff Member receives should first be vetted by the Executive Committee at the earliest External Speakers (or similar) meeting possible.
- This motion does not supersede the requirements set out in the Union’s Bye-law on affiliations which reflect the requirements of the 1994 Education Act and the University’s Code of Practice for the Students’ Union.
- The Executive Committee will, whenever possible, consult with relevant boards and committees (e.g. Societies Board and Club Sport Committee) and explain the reasons for their decisions.
Why do you want it?
Student Groups, Reps and Staff Members are occasionally engaging with external organisations or seeking sponsorship from them that do not hold with the values of QMSU or are unethically sound. In order to stop this from happening we propose that vetting takes place for any affiliations by student groups or any external sponsorships or room bookings by external companies by using the same vetting process that takes place for external speakers.
What impact will this have?
This will help protect the members of QMSU from being associated with any unethical companies and stops companies that do not meet the values of QMSU from lobbying students or targeting them through advertisements.