The Union should introduce sustainability training for all SU staff

Date lapsed: October 2025


Date lapsed: October 2025

Proposed by: Grace McMeekin (Sustainability Officer) & Adam Mitchell
Seconded by: Passed by Sustainability Board, Amelia Jones (Treasurer of Sustain@BL), Rosa Hughes (President of Sustain@BL), Mat Robathan (BLSA President), Tala Wael Musa Sammur (President of the Environmental Society)

In progress


What do you want?

Training on the climate emergency provided to all SU staff members and invitation extended to all QM staff (cleaning staff, security & teaching faculty etc.).

  • Adapting resource provided by Carbon Literacy Project - The online version comprises around 4hrs of self-study in combination with either four 1.5-hour webinars or two 3-hour webinars. No cost, £10 per head for certification.
  • Contact local Friends of the Earth/Greenpeace/Extinction Rebellion for free training to provide in house- approx. 1-2 hours.
  • Training aimed at QMSU societies’ committee members to be adapted and also given to staff - approx. 1/2 hour(s)


Why do you want it?

The Student’s Union has declared a climate emergency, now it is time to take action. It is imperative that the staff at the SU and the university have a good understanding of the science behind the climate crisis, how this affects themselves and students, and what they can do about it. In the same way that all SU staff are required to take part in welfare training, they should also receive sustainability training as the climate crisis not only threatens the welfare of students, but their very existence. It needs to be taken seriously.


What impact will this have?

When staff fully understand the issues surrounding the climate emergency, they will be in the best position to tackle it, by improving their sustainable practices in all aspects of their jobs


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