Date lapsed:
Proposed by: Lola Pony (LGBT+ REP ME)
Seconded by: tba
In progress
What do you want?
Free Legal Guidance for Trans Students that want to change their name, so they can obtain their Certificate Degree correctly.
Why do you want it?
To stop Administrative Violence towards Trans Students.
What will it achieve?
It will allow Trans Students to have legal proof of Education and live a fulfilling life.
- In Favour 9
- Against 0
- Abstentions 5
The motion was passed
The minutes will reflect discussion to clarify what this motion means in practice - essentially the Union will ask the University what is possible in respect of the name that appears on an award, and what is required to change a name. The Union will also speak to the Community Law Centre to find out what is required for a student to legally change their name, and whether the Centre is able to provide individual guidance to students. The Union will then produce guidance based on the above.