Students' Union Hub

The Students' Union Hub is home to the Students' Union Reception, The Nest, Hub social space, Multi-Faith Centre, Student Media suite and bookable spaces for student groups and societies. You'll also find microwaves where you can heat up your own lunch, an Amazon Locker (Falcon), the Students' Union's gender neutral toilet facilities and table football!

The Students' Union Hub is also home to many of the Students' Union's activities and services including our Academic Advice Service, Course Reps, RAG, Employability, Societies, Student Media and Volunteering.

Located behind Ground Cafe, the closest tube station is Mile End on the Hammersmith City, District and Central Lines.

Students' Union Reception

The Students' Union's Reception can be found in the Hub. Our friendly Reception staff are on hand to answer any enquiries you have about the Students' Union's activities and services. You can also purchase memberships for Societies, Sports Clubs & student groups, tickets to Students' Union events and pick up your TOTUM (powered by NUS Extra) Card.

The Nest

The Nest is the Students' Union's newest space for informal learning and socialising, with group study tables, pods, comfy furniture and a relaxed environment. You can also bring your own lunch or use the microwaves to heat up your food. On Friday mornings the space is used for Friday Prayer. The Nest is also a great new space for Society and student group events.

Multi-Faith Centre

The Multi-Faith Centre is located on the 2nd floor of the Students' Union Hub and provides a space for quiet reflection, contemplation and prayer for students and staff. The Multi-Faith Centre consists of two rooms, a lobby and ablution areas. The rooms are assigned to particular faiths and faith groups at particular times.

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Bookable Rooms

Societies and other Students' Union student groups are able to book the Students' Union's multi-use spaces. This includes Blomeley Room 1 and Blomeley Room 2, which hold 50 people each. Both rooms come with projector facilities and can be combined to create one large space.

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Contact Us

Students' Union Hub

329 Mile End Road
London E1 4NT
020 7882 8030


Summer Vacation Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm
Weekends: Closed


Contact your Students' Union with any questions you may have.