Eurasian Business Society


Welcome to the Eurasian Business Society!

At Eurasian Business Society, we believe in fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie among students at Queen Mary. Our mission is to create a vibrant and inclusive community where individuals come together to make lasting connections, enjoy university life, and develop academically in the field of business.

Our Vision

Eurasian Business Society envisions a university experience where every student feels a sense of belonging and has the opportunity to thrive both socially and academically. We strive to build a community that transcends cultural and academic boundaries, creating an environment where everyone can learn, grow, and succeed together.

What We Offer

1. Community Building:

Join a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for business and a commitment to personal and academic growth. Our society provides a platform to meet new people, make friends, and form connections that extend beyond the classroom.

2. Social Events:

Experience university life to the fullest by participating in our exciting social events. From networking mixers and workshops to cultural celebrations, we organize a variety of activities that cater to diverse interests. These events not only provide opportunities for fun but also create a supportive social network.

3. Academic Development:

Eurasian Business Society is committed to helping you excel academically in the field of business. Benefit from workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by industry professionals that will enhance your knowledge and skills. We believe in a holistic approach to education that goes beyond textbooks.

4. Career Opportunities:

Connect with professionals in the business world through our networking events. Gain insights into various industries, build valuable connections, and explore internship and career opportunities. Our society is dedicated to helping you bridge the gap between academia and the professional world.

Get Involved!

Join Eurasian Business Society today and become part of a dynamic community that values unity, friendship, and academic excellence. Whether you are a business major or simply interested in the world of commerce, our society welcomes individuals from all backgrounds.

Embrace the opportunity to enrich your university experience by being part of a society that not only supports your academic journey but also enhances your social life. Together, let's build a stronger, more connected university community.

Feel free to contact us with any questions or join our upcoming events. We look forward to meeting you and embarking on this exciting journey together!

No elections are currently running

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