Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a grappling-based martial art whose central theme is the skill of controlling a resisting opponent in ways that force him to submit. Due to the fact that control is generally easier on the ground than in a standing position, much of BJJ is centered around the skill of taking an opponent down to the ground and wrestling for dominant control positions and using submissions. Known as the ‘gentle art’, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that allows a smaller, weaker person to successfully defend themselves against a larger, stronger attacker.

BJJ is a great sport to improve fitness, gain self defense skills, and most importantly have fun! 

Most new members to our club have no prior experience of BJJ or necessarily any martial arts. Chat to us at freshers fair, come along to one of our taster sessions and give it a try!


Our beginners membership is a good option if you don't have much time or just want to have a taste. £20 covers the autumn semester of Monday only training.

Taster sessions

1st October 11am-1pm

If you miss them, you are welcome to come along to a first training session for free as a taster. Just get in touch with us first!

Training sessions

Monday 7:30-9:30pm (intro classes in semester 1)

Sunday 11am-1pm


Please feel free to get in touch! You can drop us an email at or DM us on instagram at bjj_qmbl

Committee 23/24

President- Daniel Hawkins

Vice President- Eissa Sakeen

Captain- Divyanish Daga

Treasurer- Sarah Tudor

Social Sec- Rory

No elections are currently running

Contact Us
