Medical Education Support Society (MESS)


Barts and the London Medical Education Support Society (MESS): Barts' largest society that prides itself on providing quality peer teaching to support students in years 1, 2, and 3.


"BL MESS - the only society that everybody joins!"

What We Do

It is no secret that medical school can seem daunting, and there are always lectures and topics you may want some extra support with. The BL Medical Education Support Soceity (MESS) is here to help! We are a peer-teaching society, run by senior medical students, who aid and assist the studies of younger students in years 1, 2, and 3.

As a soceity we run regular online revision sessions that provide a relaxed environment in which to further your understanding of lecture content and ask questions to students who have been in exactly the same position as you just a few years ago. 
For students in years 1 and 2, in the weeks leading up to progress tests, MESS also runs Progress Test Crash Courses at the Perrin Lecture Theatre where the PBLs, key lecture content, anatomy, and histology are covered to provide you with the knowledge and resources to excel in your assessments. For students in year 3 we provide these crash courses for CSP, PH, and HSPH. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend our sessions!


  • Regular online teaching sessions covering key lecture-based content
  • Pre-Progress Test Crash Courses in-person at the Perrin Lecture Theatre
  • The largest society at Barts and the only society that everybody joins 
  • Be taught by students who were where you are now just a few years ago - our teachers know exactly what is difficult and how best to prepare for assessments


Memberships subs are just £1, and allow you access to all of MESS' teaching sessions, crash courses, and online resources. 


Your Committee

Be sure to check of the MESS Instagram, linked below, for some introductory posts!

  • Presidents: Raghuv Kanwar and Nikki Yu
  • Treasurer: Annie-Mae Wright
  • Secretary: Marianna Vassilou
  • Year 1 Coordinator: Aaron Benedict 
  • Year 2 Coordinator: Alistair Rookes
  • Year 3 Coordinatory: 
  • Welfare Representative: Jayanth Mummidi


Stay Up to Date

Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and keep up to date with MESS for your year using the links below:

Year 1- 2021-2022

Year 2- 2021-2022

Year 3- 2021-2022




Year 1-

Year 2-

Year 3-


You must be logged in & have paid subs in order to access resources.

BL Medical Education Support Society (MESS) Committee Re-Elections 2024/25

Welcome to the Barts and The London Medical Education Support Society (MESS) 2024/25 elections. This is your opportunity to be a part of BL's ASOC Cup-winning student group of the year. Positions running through QMSU include: Co-Presidents (1 approved candidate, 1 position available) To run for any of these rolls you must also be a subs-paying member of MESS. The Year 1, 2, and 3 coordinator rolls will be voted for via a Google Form that will be reviewed by select members of the MESS Committee. Further details regarding this will be posted on the MESS Instagram page. In your nominations please include any relevant previous experience you have and why you would be a good fit for the role. Good luck!

1 post is up for election.

The polls have closed.

Post List
Read more about the positions up for election and what each role entails.
Candidate List
See who ran for each post and read their manifestos.
View Results
See the published results for each post.

BL Medical Education Support Society (MESS) Committee Elections 2024/25

Welcome to the Barts and The London Medical Education Support Society (MESS) 2024/25 elections. This is your opportunity to be a part of BL's ASOC Cup-winning student group of the year. Positions running through QMSU include: Co-Presidents (2 total) (must have previously held a MESS committee roll) Vice-President (must have previously held a MESS committee roll) Treasurer (must be a MESS-approved teacher) Secretary (must be a MESS-approved teacher) To run for any of these rolls you must also be a subs-paying member of MESS. The Year 1, 2, and 3 coordinator rolls will be voted for via a Google Form that will be reviewed by select members of the MESS Committee. Further details regarding this will be posted on the MESS Instagram page. In your nominations please include any relevant previous experience you have and why you would be a good fit for the role. Good luck!

4 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed.

Post List
Read more about the positions up for election and what each role entails.
Candidate List
See who ran for each post and read their manifestos.
View Results
See the published results for each post.

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