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Who are we? 
Hi there! We are the QMUL First Aid Society and we are also a St John Ambulance Student Volunteering unit!
As a society, we spend our time learning about and teaching first aid to our university community, whilst those of us in the unit volunteer providing medical cover at public events such as (but not limited to): Olympic Stadium/West Ham (JayZ and Beyonce were totally awesome!), New Year’s celebrations, London Marathon, Wimbledon, Notting Hill Carnival, and countless more!
We are an amazing and friendly society that puts the fun in teaching skills that you WILL use. Join us in keeping our university community as safe as possible, and who knows, you may even save a life.

What is St John Ambulance (SJA)?
St John (no 's'!) is the UK's leading First Aid charity, teaching over 400,000 people first aid every year. We provide volunteer first aid at thousands of events around the country every year (~35,000!) as well as lobby for wider first aid training access - such as getting first aid on the national curriculum. SJA also operates in Wales and other international branches exist in Canada, Asia, Australia, Africa and many more!
Volunteer First Aiders can progress go on to become Advanced First Aiders, Emergency/Non-Emergency volunteer Ambulance crews, cycle responders, or medical response teams (who go into awkward situations to get patients out), among many other roles! Volunteering with SJA IS possible for international students at QMUL so feel free speak to the committee for more details!
What do we do?
Our society is focused on increasing awareness and knowledge of First Aid in our university community. We do this through weekly sessions, fundraising and training events for our local and wider communities, and interaction with other societies! But, our lives aren't completely filled with First Aid so we also have loads of social events for you to look forward to!
Volunteers in the QMUL Unit provide hundreds of volunteer hours at events across London and the South East and hold clinical as well as managerial roles on these events. This year we aim to increase and diversify the skills we have within the unit to help us cover even more events as well as provide our student volunteers with more transferable skills that will help them in life and support their CVs. We also want to bring these skills over to our training so our society members will benefit too!

Committee (2024/2025)
President/Unit Manager: Nika Kapushesky
Vice President: Phoebe Whitbread
Treasurer: Alexandre Duponcheele
Training Lead: Connor Osborne
Events Lead: Aatir Saadqain
Outreach Officers: Billal Swaleh & Suriya Raviendran
Welfare Reps: Matthew Ward & Roland Bernardos
Social Secretary: Gurkirit Singh
Fundraising Lead: Inês Couto André
IT Lead: Inês Couto André
Logistics Rep: Elliot Crookbaine
Student Volunteering Rep: Gurkirit Singh
Morale Leads: TuffKats and TuffTed