School of Economics & Finance Representative


Jerry Ndi


About the role:

Do you want to make a difference to the student experience in your school? Become a School Representative! The School of Economics and Finance Representative collects feedback from students in the school and represent students’ interests. You’ll be able to work on various aspects of the student experience, including feedback, assessments, teaching, employability, and student support. You’ll also be responsible for chairing the School Forum for course representatives, and you’ll work with the Vice President Humanities and Social Sciences to address issues that are affecting HSS students.


  • Engage with and lobby Queen Mary University of London and other relevant organisations to achieve improvements for the students they represent
  • Support the VP Humanities and Social Sciences to promote the Course Rep elections, training and ongoing support of Course Reps
  • Seek feedback from Course Reps in order accurately to represent students’ interests within the School of Economics and Finance
  • Attend relevant meetings within the Students’ Union and the university (see list of compulsory meetings below)
  • Where appropriate, support the Executive Committee in their duties and responsibilities and seek support from them with respect to their own duties and responsibilities
  • Chair the School of Economics and Finance Forum attended by Course Reps prior to SSLC meetings and Student Council
  • Liaise with members of student groups relevant to your role
  • Establish and maintain working relationships with relevant staff in the School of Economics and Finance
  • Provide regular updates on your work to the students you represent


Meetings that I attend:
  • Student Council (2 hour meeting, five times a year)
  • Humanities and Social Sciences Board (2 hour meeting, five times a year)
  • School of Economics and Finance Forum (1–2-hour meeting, 3 times a year). You will also be expected to chair this forum
  • School specific meetings as agreed
No elections are currently running

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