

Queen Mary Dance Company aims to bring people together through the love of dance. Our 24/25 team will train and compete in the styles of hip-hop, jazz, contemporary, tap, ballet and *drum roll please* wildcard! 

We strive to improve the technique of each dancer as well as creating new, original and exciting routines that we perform at many different competitions throughout the year and across the country. Our rehearsals are intense, yet thoroughly enjoyable and there is opportunity for all members to input their own creativity and ideas. We work at a high level to create routines that will push the capabilities of each dancer as well as exploring different music and performance styles.

We also hold an annual showcase, where we perform our routines and choreographies from the year. This is where our members will get the opportunity to put forward ideas and choreographies, to display to friends/family and members of the public. We will also be hosting our own competition for the third time, where dancers from other universities will be able to compete in front of guest judges.

With your Competitive membership, you will receive extensive and vigorous professional level training, 6 annual workshops with industry professional teachers, QMDC personalised uniform, access to our open classes, entry to three competitions (including accomodation for our super fun away competition!), access to all QMDC socials (including Hail Mary), and you get to participate and choreograph for our annual showcase!

Our Social membership gives you access to our open classes, as well as all our socials, and the option to perform in showcase!

We are so proud of our continued success at QMDC! Last year was our second time running our own competition and we are proud to say it has grown immensely since its inception. The company continues to excel in all styles, as well as achieving individual awards such as best advanced choreography and the audience choice award. As always we aim to excel our accomplishments in the upcoming year, and win more trophies for the company and we hope you can join us!!




Each style will train for 2 hours each week (excluding Wildcard, which will train for 1-2 hours a week, as the category has different requirements) and our rehearsal timetable can be found on our instagram!

Competitive, Social and Alumni members will also have access to our weekly 1 hour long Choreography and Technique open classes, the information for which can also be found on our instagram.

Personal Fitness

QMSU offers a gym on the Mile End campus, Qmotion, as well as a sister-gym in Charterhouse Square, Fitness to Practice, both with competitive student membership rates. This is ideal for students who want to purchase a gym membership - which is separate from a Club Sport subs - to improve and maintain peak physical fitness.

With every gym membership, you get a free 60 minute one-to-one session with trained instructors which includes:

  • A personalised gym programme tailored to your own fitness goals;
  • A full demonstration of exercise and techniques, and guidance on resistance machines;
  • Information and advice on nutrition;
  • A 60 minute review session every 6-8 weeks to re-evaluate and re-customise a new programme to avoid plateaus.

Contact Details

President - Tallulah Stephens Skeete (

Vice President – Jessica Ellis

Tap Captain - Chantal Egan

Wildcard - Rayan Alattar

Advanced Jazz Captain - Georgia May Scott

Intermediate Jazz Captain - Francesca Viterbo

Advanced Contemporary Captain - Tallulah Stephens Skeete

Intermediate Contemporary Captain - Ash Taylor

Ballet Captains - Beryl Leung & Lousie Perignon

Intermediate Hip Hop Captains - Polly Towers & Elisha Bratley 

Advanced Hip Hop Captain - Sammie Ewo

Welfare Officer - Marina Simoncioni

Treasurer - Chantal Egan 

Social Secretaries - Georgia May Scott & Grace O'Connor

Social Media Secretary - Lottie Adams 

Social Member Representative - Amelia Jean Crabtree

Showcase Coordinator - Annie Wheeler

Competition Coordinator - Alexia Chan 

Assistant Competition Coordinator - Rayan Alattar

Charity Officer - Francesca Viterbo



No elections are currently running

Contact Us
