BL Tamil Society


Welcome to Barts and The London Tamil Society! 

We hope to enlighten the rest of your 2024/25 with entertaining and new fun-filled events. We are working hard to deliver you with frequent content that will celebrate the love we share for our wonderful culture and its history. This year we are hoping to have lots of wholesome but fun events! 

We are very excited for what's in store and look forward to seeing you at our events and joining our community here at Barts :)

Committee Members (24/25)

Co-Presidents: Shasnavie Roshan & Rithika Bhuvaneswaran
Vice-Presidents: Kavin Sivarajah & Thushani Thayaparan
Treasurer: Rakul Mathavan
Head of Events: Kirthigan Kirupakaran & Anjuula Sripavar 
Social Media Officer: Sopikan Parameswaran & Thrisha Anpalakan
Education Officer: Mathusaan Sivayogan
Head of Culture and Acts: Melane Thavakumar
Head of Freshers: Yajat Mahalingam 
Head of Sports: Maathanki Jayanthan & Vishay 
Head of Charity: Nudursha Jeyakanthan
Dental Representative: Mathura Sooriyakumaran
Secretary: Aditi Ajit Kumar
Alumni Officer: Ann Sahitya Uthayakumar

Follow us on our social media accounts to keep up-to-date with our activities and events 

No elections are currently running

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