Psychology Society


Welcome to the Psychology Society! 

We are a community for anyone interested in mental health and Psychology. Everyone is welcome to join no matter your background or the subject you study! 

Throughout the year, we will be hosting a diverse range of Psychology-related events, such as a trip to the Freud Museum, social events, wellbeing workshops, career talks - we’ve got something for everyone! By purchasing our membership, you will be able to enjoy subsidies for all events and become a part of our community. 


We look forward to seeing you :)


Committee Members

President: Aidan Ko 

Vice-President: Yerim Gil

Treasurer: Andy Sangiorgi

Social Media Manager: Aleksandra Lib

Events Manager: Nesh Ferrao

Charity Officer: Maryam Malik

Welfare Officer: Amina Hussain


Contact us

Instagram: @qmul_psychsoc

Facebook: QMUL Psychology Society

Twitter: @QMUL_PsychSoc


Psychology Society Elections 2024/2025

This is QMUL Psychology Society's elections for the academic year 2024/2025. To be eligible, you need to have this years membership and be a student next year at QMUL.

2 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed.

Contact Us


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