Snow Sports


Queen Mary Snowsports provides the opportunity to learn both skiing and snowboarding from any level – whether you’re a pro or a complete beginner, we would love to have you join our club and share the snowy love! 

Want to compete? We have an established race team competing on a regional and national level throughout the year on dryslope, indoor, and in the alps.

SOCIALS? We run many. We run socials every week which are open to all members. These consist of many pub crawls and nights out along with sober socials such as ice skating. We also organise larger socials and sometimes weekend trips with other snow sports societies to party and compete with them as well. 

Make sure to follow and like us on Instagram to keep up to date with all training sessions, competitions, and social events.

Ski Trip

Join us for an unforgettable week of skiing, snowboarding, sun, snow, apres-ski, insane nights out and more! This year we are going to amazing LES DEUX ALPES from 18th-25th of January. Questions? Get in touch to find out more. 


NEVER SKIED BEFORE? Try a beginner’s lesson. Our race captain will meet everyone on campus, get the train to the centre and make sure that everyone has a comfortable and safe experience. Booking includes rental skis, helmet and instructor.

SKIED/ SNOWBOARD BEFORE, BUT WANT TO TRY RACING? If you have skied/boarded before and you are comfortable with your turns, we welcome you to come try racing with us. 2/3 of our team had never raced before joining our team. 100% worth trying!

RACER? Join our team at dryslope and indoor competitions, including the British Dryslope Champs, the Indoor Series and Kings races.

FREESTYLE? If you have a passion for freestyle or just want to get into it, this is your year. Our race captain is an avid freestyler so we will be entering in freestyle compettions and providing trainging for our freestylers. This will also give you the option to go and train at a trampolining centre to perfect those tricks for the slopes.

Race Training

We run weekly sessions starting in October at Brentwood Ski Centre. Feel free to message us for more information from our race captain Scarlett or vice race captain Tim


FOR SKI TRIP: everything can be rented, from boots to gloves, helmets and skis.

FOR LESSONS: Long warm socks (preferably ski socks), long trousers, and gloves.

FOR RACE TRAINING: Essentials: long warm socks (preferably ski socks), long trousers, gloves. Optional: ski boots, slalom skis, helmet, (goggles not needed for dry slope nor indoor). Slalom protections are welcomed.


BUDS (a.k.a. British Dryslope Champs), Kings races, Indoor Series, multiple freestyle events, Above and Below.


Social membership : We run socials every week which both social and racing meberships are open to attend. If you're new to skiing we recommend getting this membership. We will be running a skiing and training session dedicated to new members and casual skiers/boarders.

Racing membership : We run weekly training sessions starting in October at Brentwood Ski Centre. We will be running a £12 taster session if you don't have the race membership and £7 if you have a race membership on the 25th of Sept for all new or experienced racers to get a feel for racing at QMSS. With a racing membership, you get a highly discounted price for skiing and training at the Ski centre (approximately £7 a session). With a race membership, you will be expected to be part of our race teams which compete all around the country! Team members are also expected to attend a minimum of 3 training sessions a month to train for these races. Although not everyone training needs to be part of the race team, anyone with a racing membership regardless of being on the team or not is expected to act as a reserve if needed in a race.

How do new members join?

  1. Come to the Freshers Fair (Thursday and Friday 19/09/24 and 20/09/24) and get to know us!
  2. Get your social/race membership online or at the Students Union reception desk
  3. Contact us for socials, skiing, snowboarding, our exclusive sponsorship discounts and deals, racing, and freestyle.

QMSU offers a gym on the Mile End campus, Qmotion, as well as a sister-gym in Charterhouse Square, Fitness to Practice, both with competitive student membership rates. This is ideal for students who want to purchase a gym membership - which is separate from a Club Sport subs - to improve and maintain peak physical fitness.

With every gym membership, you get a free 60 minute one-to-one session with trained instructors which includes:

  • A personalised gym programme tailored to your own fitness goals;
  • A full demonstration of exercise and techniques, and guidance on resistance machines;
  • Information and advice on nutrition;
  • A 60 minute review session every 6-8 weeks to re-evaluate and re-customise a new programme to avoid plateaus.

Contact Details

President -  Amalie Lindback Nybo


We highly encourage you to contact us via our Instagram @qmsnow 

- this will probably be replied to sooner with a more direct chat with us (committee).


No elections are currently running

Contact Us
