Freshers Week Offer: Membership for £3.50
QMGS is an academic society within the School of Geography. We aim to connect like-minded geographers together via a range of activities including academic talks, social nights on and around campus, local and national trips. We are also students like you and understand the transition you are experiencing so if you want to chat or get first-hand student advice — we are here to support you!
Our objective is to make your student experience a memorable one and to assist the School of Geography in your professional development for life after university.
Past events include hosting pub quizzes, pizza parties, movies nights, bar crawls, a range of walking tours... and more!
Membership is only £5 and allows access to all our events, discounts, competitions and experiences. Anyone is welcome to join, Geography student or other Queen Mary students. Please note that whilst some events may be subsidised, you may be required to provide a small contribution.
2024/25 QMGS Committee
President: Rob Houghton (fa22066@qmul.ac.uk)
Vice President: Luke Dodd (tp21212@qmul.ac.uk)
Treasurer: Val Reguera
Social/social media Sec: Breeya Holman
Welfare Officer: Naomy Dragnev
If you have any questions or suggestions for us, please reach out through our social media and email accounts!