The Queen Mary Savoy Opera Society is a society based around appreciating and performing Savoy comedy operettas written and composed by the Victorian duo, ‘Gilbert and Sullivan’. Our goal is to bring together fans of their operettas, opera or musical theatre in general, or simply people who want to improve their singing/musical skills in a fun way!
During this term, we hope to put on an amazing performance of Gilbert and Sullivan's earliest available work - 'Trial By Jury'!
Link to 'Trial By Jury' Audition Form:
Self-Tape Auditions: Thursday 23rd January- Wednesday 5th February 2025
Screening of 'Trial By Jury' (1974): Date TBD
Perfomance of 'Trial By Jury' at the end of term: Date TBD
President: Sophia Haarhoff-Nargi
Welfare Officer: Juliette Dresse
Treasurer: Cassie Choi
Marketing Manager: Nicolas Landeo Urtecho
Contact us with any questions you may have: