Clubs & Societies Events

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Forthcoming Events

Sat 11th January

Dental Dinner 2025
6pm - midnight
Carisbrooke Hall, 63-79 Seymour Street, London, W2 2HF
Barts and the London Dental Society Presents the 2025 Dental Dinner.

Sun 12th January

Sat 25th January

QMUN 2025 Conference
25th January 7am - 26th January 8pm
Mile End Campus
QMUN Annual conference!

Sun 26th January

QMUN 2025 Conference
25th January 7am - 26th January 8pm
Mile End Campus
QMUN Annual conference!

Sat 1st February

BLAPRAS National Plastic Surgery Conference 2025
8am - 6pm
Garrod Building
From Head to Toe exploration of reconstructive surgery

Sat 22nd February

Surgery Unbound - BLSS 14th International Conference
22nd February 8:30am - 23rd February 5:30pm
Garrod Building - Whitechapel Campus

Sun 23rd February

Surgery Unbound - BLSS 14th International Conference
22nd February 8:30am - 23rd February 5:30pm
Garrod Building - Whitechapel Campus
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