From Head to Toe: A Deep Exploration of Transplant Surgery" is aimed at medical students seeking exposure to the field of transplantation—a niche area that many medical students may not encounter during their years of medical school. This low-cost event will provide you with the opportunity to learn about different types of organ transplantation (both common and rare), see how various surgical specialties are integrated into this field, and develop core and specialised surgical skills that transplant surgeons use in their day-to-day procedures.
Schedule of the transplant surgery teaching series
Day 1 (Sat 2nd Nov 2024, 9-3:30pm)
- Lecture 1 Principles of transplantion talk
- Lecture 2 Liver transplantion talk
- Lecture 3 Heart and Lung transplantion talk
- Workshop 1: Basic suturing
- Workshop 2: Aortic Anastomosis
Day 2 (Sat 9th Nov 2024, 9-3:30pm)
- Lecture 1 Organ Retrieval
- Lecture 2 Corneal Transplantation
- Lecture 3 Uterine Transplantation
- Workshop 1: Advanced suturing
- Workshop 2: Hand tying
Day 3 (Sat 16th Nov 2024, 9-3:30pm)
- Lecture 1 Kidney transplantation
- Lecture 2 Pancreas transplantation
- Lecture 3 Abdominal wall/face transplantation
- Workshop 1: Kidney transplant simulation workshop
- Workshop 2: Microsurgery workshop
Day 4 (Sat 7th Dec 2024, 9-3:30pm)
- Lecture 1 Hand transplantation
- Lecture 2 Intestinal trasplantation
- Lecture 3 Future innovations in transplantation and Paediatric transplant
- Workshop 1: Bowel anastomosis
- Workshop 2: Vascular anastomosis