Five students walking down a set of stairs while talking and smiling at each other

Vice President Barts and The London

About the role

Are you a leader with a passion to deliver the best student experience? If so, the Vice President Barts and The London role is a great opportunity to oversee a wide variety of projects and play a key part in shaping Queen Mary Students’ Union and Barts and The London Students’ Association.

The Vice President BL is the voice of all School of Medicine and Dentistry students and is also the BLSA President, which means you’ll head the work of the BLSA Board. You’ll be leading on policies and campaigns which enhance the education and welfare experience, consulting with students to represent their views and act on issues affecting them. You’ll work with other Executive Officers, Student Council, Part Time Officers, and Course Reps to represent all students' views and act on issues affecting them. You’ll also sit on the Students’ Union's Board of Trustees and Executive Committee, overseeing financial, legal and strategic tasks.

Role description Nominate yourself Vote now

The Candidates

Mathusaan Sivayogan

The People’s Voice. I’m here to listen, take action, and drive real change. With fresh ideas and action-driven leadership, I’ll push for better timetables, facilities, and student experience. A president who will listen, understand, and deliver—let’s make student life better together.

View Manifesto

Maria Rubbani

Vote for a Barts and the London where every student thrives—a commitment to better accessibility, fairer timetables, consistent education, and enhanced wellbeing. It’s time to ensure every voice is heard and create a campus that truly supports all students. Let’s make BL a place where we thrive—not survive.

View Manifesto

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