Five students walking down a set of stairs while talking and smiling at each other

Sustainability Officer (Mile End)

About the role

At Queen Mary, we’re committed to sustainable development in all areas of university life, whether that’s tackling issues about the planet, profits or people.

As a Sustainability Officer, you’ll have the opportunity to educate and raise awareness among students on a variety of issues, run your own campaigns as well as organise events and training. You’ll work collaboratively with the Executive Officers and staff on sustainability initiatives, engage with local organisations on climate matters and co-chair the Sustainability Committee with the BLSA Sustainability Officer. You’ll also have the option to work on your own projects and perhaps inspire new initiatives! Whether you’re harbouring years of passion or are just beginning your sustainability journey, the Sustainability Officer role is a perfect opportunity to play your part for a greener, kinder planet.

Role description

The Candidates

Vasundhara Gupte

I have fallen into canals more times than I’d like to admit. Despite my less-than-graceful canal falls, I always go for the clean-ups because every fall is a step closer to a cleaner world. So if you appreciate someone who bounces back (literally and figuratively), vote for me

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Josefina Infante Kozarow

I promise not to bring a green cape, but I do aim to make our campus as eco-friendly as a tree-hugging koala. Let's cut carbon footprints (not corners), recycle more than bad jokes. Together, we can sow seeds of sustainable change across our campus.

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Zephyr Boney-Hundal

Vote Zephyr if you want something to actually be done about sustainability or if you don't know who to vote for and you just want a decent person to be Sustainability Officer

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Iulia Precup

Hi! My name is Iulia and I'm in my first year at Queen Mary studying English and Drama. My goals as the Sustainability Officer are to enhance recycling and waste reduction and integrate green education.

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