Five students walking down a set of stairs while talking and smiling at each other

Sports Officer (Mile End)

About the role

Joining a sports club (we have over 60!) can be a great way to pursue passions and build strong friendships. Every year, we have thousands of new students eager to get involved and the Sports Officer plays an important role in being the voice of these students. As a Sports Officer, you will be given the opportunity to develop and approve new clubs, plan and deliver events as well as allocate funding, all while working closely with Students’ Union staff. You’d also ensure that Mile End sports clubs and the Students’ Union maintain strong communication so that everything runs smoothly!

Role description

The Candidates

Etey Bassey

I have passion for Sports and People. I've personally benefited loads and seen what sport can do for mental health, social interaction, physical health and emotional wellbeing so I’m hyper keen to champion that, helping sport more for those already involved and helping more get involved with sport at QM.

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Vansh Mahajan

Hey there ! as a sports officer in QMUL , my manifesto would be promoting physical activity 1. increase participation 2. support athletes 3. Enhance sports facilities

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Ava Forouzan

Hello, I’m Ava! Ready to change up the QMUL sports scene? I'm thrilled to run for QMUL's Sports Officer, aiming for an inclusive, diverse, and thriving sports culture, expand sports options to improving facilities and foster mental health. Your vote will help us make QMUL’s sports sector stronger than ever!

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