Teddy Bear Hospital Committee Elections 2024

This is the elections for Teddy Bear Hospital 2024/25 academic year. Please note you can only take part if you are a current student of QMUL Committee Elections for: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretaries x2, Promotions Officers x4, Team Leaders x6, Dental Liaison x1, Welfare Officer x1. All members who are students at QMUL in the academic year 2023-2024 are eligible to stand and vote. Only candidates who were on the committee in the academic year 2023/24 are permitted to stand for President and Vice-President. Any candidates who nominate themselves but are not on the committee will not be approved for voting. All vacant positions must have candidates standing and votes cast to remain open. If you would like to know more information about a particular committee role, please contact this year's current committee.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

Teddy Bear Hospital - President

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Teddy Bear Hospital - Vice-President

  • Thishon Thevaraj Manifesto

    Vote Thishon as VP!

    Elected at stage 1 with 25 votes

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Teddy Bear Hospital - Treasurer

  • Serena Yin Shih Manifesto

    Pls join Teddy Bear Hospital HAHA

    Elected at stage 1 with 23.5 votes

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Teddy Bear Hospital - Secretary

  • Olivia Roberts Manifesto

    Hey I’m Olivia and I’d love to be your secretary

    Elected at stage 1 with 17.34 votes

  • Mohamed Abou-Sherif Manifesto

    Vote for Mohamed as Secretary

    Elected at stage 2 with 17.32 votes

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Teddy Bear Hospital - Promotions Officer

  • Shageela Konasan Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 12 votes

  • Al Hassan Salama Manifesto

    Vote Hassan for Promotions Officer!

    Elected at stage 1 with 12 votes

  • Alan Shen

    Vote Alan for Promotions Officer 2024/2025!

    Elected at stage 3 with 11.34 votes

  • Tracy Mandal Manifesto

    Ready, teddy, go! Promoting clinics, connections, and content :)

    Elected at stage 5 with 5.33 votes

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Teddy Bear Hospital - Team Leader

  • Alicia Li Ying Lim Manifesto

    Caring for teddies and inspiring about healthy living!

    Elected at stage 1 with 7.29 votes

  • Thirisha Anpalakan Manifesto

    Hi I'm Thirisha, a 3rdYear Pharmacology student who loves TBH!

    Elected at stage 1 with 7.29 votes

  • Arian Ahmed Manifesto

    Vote Arian: The Beary Best Choice!

    Elected at stage 1 with 7.29 votes

  • Alexandra Hill Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 7.29 votes

  • Amelia Klaczynska Manifesto

    Leading with Heart: Guiding Teddy Bear Brigade to Brighter Smiles!

    Elected at stage 2 with 5 votes

  • Iesha Ahmed Manifesto

    Leading with Care and Inspiring Impact

    Elected at stage 2 with 5 votes

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Teddy Bear Hospital - Liasions Officer (Dentist)

There were no candidates for this post.

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Teddy Bear Hospital - Welfare Officer

  • Tahilah Williams Manifesto

    Hi I'm Tahilah, hoping to be your welfare officer

    Elected at stage 2 with 10 votes

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