BL Pakistan Society Committee Election 24/25

BL PakSoc has grown into one of the best societies at Barts in recent years. Membership has flourished and we have started to create the foundations for a really healthy community of Pakistani students at Barts. You now have a chance to take part and help PakSoc grow next year. We have lots of roles so there's definitely something for you!

The polls have closed, and results have been published.


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  • Omar Ghori Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 10.5 votes

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  • Omar Ahmed Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 10 votes

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Media Rep

  • Elizey Mirza and Maria Nasir Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 9 votes

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Events Team Member

  • Uzair Syed Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 5.67 votes

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Welfare Representative

  • Unab Ali Manifesto

    Elected at stage 1 with 10.5 votes

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Liaison Officer

  • Nitalia Sheikh

    Elected at stage 1 with 9 votes

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