Teddy Bear Hospital Committee Elections 2024

This is the elections for Teddy Bear Hospital 2024/25 academic year. Please note you can only take part if you are a current student of QMUL Committee Elections for: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretaries x2, Promotions Officers x4, Team Leaders x6, Dental Liaison x1, Welfare Officer x1. All members who are students at QMUL in the academic year 2023-2024 are eligible to stand and vote. Only candidates who were on the committee in the academic year 2023/24 are permitted to stand for President and Vice-President. Any candidates who nominate themselves but are not on the committee will not be approved for voting. All vacant positions must have candidates standing and votes cast to remain open. If you would like to know more information about a particular committee role, please contact this year's current committee.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

Teddy Bear Hospital - President

Essentially….running the society! Bring new ideas to the group, plan events & clinics and importantly maintain good communication amongst committee members in order for events to run smoothly. Involved with every role in the committee- not a day goes by where you won’t think of Teddy Bear Hospital but definitely worth it! PLEASE NOTE: Only candidates who were on the committee in the academic year 2023/24 are permitted to stand for this position. Any candidates who nominate themselves but were n
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Teddy Bear Hospital - Vice-President

Work closely with the president with any task that may need doing. Specific roles include organising the SSC2b/2c clinics, the outreach clinics and liaising with external services for the annual safety day. PLEASE NOTE: Only candidates who were on the committee in the academic year 2023/24 are permitted to stand for this position. Any candidates who nominate themselves but were not on the committee will not be approved for voting.
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Teddy Bear Hospital - Treasurer

The treasurer is key in securing various funds and grants, as well as gaining external sponsorship. Also responsible for keeping control of the TBH's accounts and signing off on all expenditures. They attend student union GCMs on behalf of the committee and work closely with the other committee members to help the TBH stay within budget.
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Teddy Bear Hospital - Secretary (2 places)

Both work closely together to recruiting Teddy Bear doctors and dentists for TBH clinics, maintaining the mailing list & volunteering hours tracker. They also take the minutes at committee meetings and ensure that good communication occurs amongst the committee.
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Teddy Bear Hospital - Promotions Officer (4 places)

The Promotions Officers are responsible for organising TBH clinics, by liaising with local schools and teachers to schedule dates. They are also responsible for attending and liaising to organise the Royal London Drop-Ins. One member of the Promotions team will need to be present for each clinic to relay clinic photos to the team and to update social media platforms. Another Promotions Officer will liaise with the community including SEN schools, local secondary school coordinators and individua
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Teddy Bear Hospital - Team Leader (6 places)

This would involve leading the school clinics, liaising with various members of the team to ensure everything is ready for the clinic including packing goodie bags. Day of the clinic the team leader will take the volunteers to the schools and ensuring they are aware of what they need to do.
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Teddy Bear Hospital - Liasions Officer (Dentist)

Involved in helping at clinic and events and getting the word of TBH out to respective course groups e.g. through lecture shout outs, social media promotion etc.
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Teddy Bear Hospital - Welfare Officer

This role involves attending our clinics and helping out when required. As our Welfare Officer you would be expected to encourage connections between our volunteers and promote their well-being. This can be achieved through organising socials for our volunteers and through obtaining feedback from volunteers. From receiving feedback you can suggest and implement changes that you think would positively impact out volunteer's well-being.
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