
Nominate yourself

If you’re thinking about running in the BLSA Elections, we suggest that you make a note of the key dates and deadlines. We want the elections to be fair for everyone, so we can’t make exceptions from the deadlines.

Have you already made the decision to run? The next step for you is to submit your nomination, you can find out out how to do this below.

Read the full nominations process Nominate here
Nominations close in:

Step 1:

Log in

Make sure you are logged in to the website. To log in you'll need to use your University IT login details.

If you have any issues, email us at

Log in

Step 2:

Submit your nomination

Click on the 'Stand in election' link below and enter your details. Once you click save, you will be shown all the positions you are eligible to stand for. For any liberation positions, you will be required to self-define before you can nominate yourself. Once you have selected the position you'd like to stand in, click submit.

To read more about the nominations process click here.

Deadline: Wednesday 26 March, 12pm (midday)

Step 3:

Submit your photo & statement

In order for your nomination to be approved, You'll need to upload a photo and a 50 word statement. You can do this online when you submit your nomination.

Once you've submitted your photo & statement, the next step is to write a manifesto (optional but recommended for all roles). Read more here

Deadline: Friday 28 March, 12pm (midday)

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