Candidate for the position of Vice President

Image for Venaya Binwani

Venaya Binwani

Venaya Binwani for MESS Vice President 

My Attributes

Teaching Experience

As a MESS teacher and BCLS trainer I have spent time working with lots of you! The ability to share my knowledge and skills has been a fun and rewarding experience.  I am passionate about maintaining this supportive environment between older and younger students, to maximise learning outcomes for everyone.


I have spent the last few months working with Medicine offer holders, in 1:1 interview coaching sessions. This has taught me to reflect on my learning experiences and consider ways to boost the success of my peers.


As both a member of BL Dance and BLTennis, I have spent the last year getting involved in events including squad competitions, social tennis matches, and our annual dance showcase.  I have grown to love the passion within our sporting community and want to share this within the academic scene at Barts.


Balancing the academic demands of Medicine with sports and extracurrculars is a trait that I believe will allow me to manage my role on MESS committee. I have experience with admin roles and social media management, and will be part of the BLSA board next year as International Rep!


Barts is a supportive environment both socially and academically, and I believe maintaining this sense of community is vital to the well-being and success of everyone. Given the chance to be on MESS committee I will honour the role of one of our most formidable  and  accessed academic communities.

My aims

  • I aim to work with other committee members to review and select MESS teachers carefully through our biannual recruitment process
  • To work with the secretary  to manage the social media pages to increase engagement with students
  • To ensure the Facebook is updated and that the schedules for teaching sessions are created on time, to reflect the academic demands of the year group
  •  To ensure rooms are secured for teaching sessions and the times and venues are communicated  in a clear and efficient manner
  • To increase engagement in teaching sessions by making sessions more accessible and promoting teaching through various avenues.
  • To work with other committee members to complete administrative tasks to a high standard.