BL Pakistan Society Committee Election 24/25

BL PakSoc has grown into one of the best societies at Barts in recent years. Membership has flourished and we have started to create the foundations for a really healthy community of Pakistani students at Barts. You now have a chance to take part and help PakSoc grow next year. We have lots of roles so there's definitely something for you!

The polls have closed, and results have been published.


The overall leader of the society, and in charge of the team's vision and direction. Leadership, communication and delegation are essential skills. NOTE: Must have at least one year's committee experience to run.

  • Haris Khan and Sara Majeed Manifesto

  • Re-open Nominations (R.O.N.) About

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An absolutely crucial role. Without money, we can't function as a society! The treasurer's role will mainly involve applying for grant funding, updating the committee on the society's finances and ensuring money is spent responsibly. The main anti-corruption officer!

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The secretary is another essential role in the society and a member of the executive committee. The secretary organises meetings, sorts out room bookings and ensures that events run smoothly.

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Media Rep

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Events Team Member

Responsible for planning and organising events. Suggest ideas to the rest of the committee and will also help the running of events.

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Welfare Representative

Looks after the welfare of all members as well as committee members. Also will help with outreach to other universities and organisations.

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Liaison Officer

This committee member is responsible for outreach to other societies both at QM and beyond. Suggests ideas for collaborative events and helps facilitate them

  • Nitalia Sheikh

  • Re-open Nominations (R.O.N.) About

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