Autumn By-Elections 2023

The polls have closed, and results have been published.

Barts Cancer Institute Representative

The Barts Cancer Institute Representative will gather feedback from and represent all students studying within the Barts Cancer Institute at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. You’ll work as part of the Education Zone, supporting the Vice President Barts and The London and encouraging students to participate and engage in the Students’ Union.

  • Bishoy Yassa Manifesto

    Making the Institute a better place for everybody!

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Blizard Institute Representative

The Blizard Institute Representative will gather feedback from and represent all students studying within the Blizard Institute at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. You’ll work as part of the Education Zone, supporting the Vice President Barts and The London and encouraging students to participate and engage in the Students’ Union.

There are no approved candidates.
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RAG Officer (BL)

Raise & Give covers all the Students’ Union charity fundraising activity, and the RAG Officer (BLSA) works to create a positive charitable influence on campus as part of VP London’s Activities Zone. You’ll select and chair a student RAG committee for BLSA who will choose the nominated RAG charity for their year and find innovative, exciting ways to fundraise for this charity.

  • Salaus Harindran Manifesto

    Helping those who are vulnerable is at the forefront of everything I work for and is my most important passion in life. Through various involvement in multiple charity and volunteering opportunities, I believe I have built an amazing set of skills to lead RAG into a newer and brighter future.

  • Tom Johnson

    Hi, I'm Tom and think RAG is an incredible opportunity to use the Bart's community to help others through organising lots of great events. Having worked with RAG last year eg helping BNOC, I know what goes into making a success that both raises money and is an excellent experience.

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RAG Officer (Mile End)

Raise & Give covers all the Students’ Union charity fundraising activity, and the RAG Officer (Mile End) works to create a positive charitable influence on campus. You’ll select and chair a student RAG committee for Mile End who will choose the nominated RAG charity for their year and find innovative, exciting ways to fundraise for this charity.

  • Sharriq Qadir Manifesto

    Catalysing Growth, Cultivating Change, Making a Difference.

  • Shruti Singh Manifesto

    "Empower Change, Elevate Charity: Your RAG Officer Dedicated to Elevating Campus Fundraising and Fostering a Culture of Giving! Together, Let's Make Mile End Shine with Innovative and Impactful Charitable Initiatives."

  • Carys Tuo Manifesto

    I will create engaging and inclusive activities to promote charitable organisations and educate students on the importance of giving back. Additionally, I will create opportunities for individual students to express their beliefs and concerns and where they believe we should put our funds. This is all about working together.

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LGBT+ Representative (BL)

Are you interested in working to achieve improvements for students who identify as part of the LGBT+ community? The LGBT+ Representative (BLSA) gathers feedback from and represents the interests of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender student community on issues they face.

There are no approved candidates.
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BAME Representative (BL)

Are you interested in BLM, institutional racism or decolonising the curriculum? This role will provide a great opportunity to create change for the BAME community at university. The BAME Representative (BLSA) represents the interests of BAME students on issues they face, by collecting feedback and working to achieve improvements for them at Barts and The London. The role supports the Vice President Communities, and liaises with members of the relevant clubs, societies, and student groups.

  • Jamaal Mushawa

    Celebrating Diversity, Advocating Inclusivity: Your BAME Rep, Your voice.

  • Shreya Manifesto

    Hey! I'm Shreya, I live in London and speak three languages. My interests include reading, badminton and volunteering.

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Secretary (S&E)

The S&E Board is crucial to the representation of S&E students, and the Secretary is responsible for supporting this core part of the organisation. The Secretary works closely with the Vice President S&E to promote the meetings, take minutes, and ensure the meetings are operating smoothly. The Secretary also helps with other administrative tasks as agreed with the Vice President S&E.

  • Divya Manifesto

    For a more inclusive and successful S&E board - Vote Divya for Secretary!

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Postgraduate Taught Representative (HSS)

The Postgraduate Taught Representative (HSS) will gather feedback from and represent postgraduate taught students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. You’ll also be responsible for supporting the Vice President Humanities and Social Sciences to encourage the students they represent to participate and engage with the Students’ Union.

  • Adam Khan Manifesto

    ]Pragmatic Solutions Require a Proactive Approach.

  • Prasiddhi Shahi Manifesto

    Empower, Engage, Excel! : Together, We Thrive!

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Postgraduate Taught Representative (S&E)

The Postgraduate Taught Representative (S&E) will gather feedback from and represent postgraduate taught students in the Faculty of Science and Engineering. You’ll also be responsible for supporting the Vice President Humanities and Social Sciences to encourage the students they represent to participate and engage with the Students’ Union.

  • Amarja Shivraj Pawar Manifesto

    "Your Voice, Our Future: Postgrads Unite!"

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Student Trustee

The Student Trustees make up 6 of the 18 members of the Board of Trustees, who are responsible for the management, oversight, and administration of the Students’ Union. You’ll have the responsibility to ensure the SU is following its legal, financial and strategic duties as a Charity, and bring your own university and SU experience to the Board. This is a 2-year post (1 year if you are in your final year).

  • Abd-Elhakim Belkacemi Manifesto

    Belkacemi: Your Voice, Your Choice!

  • Gianne Corpuz Manifesto

    Throughout my time at university, I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with the Student Union as an Events Director and now Vice President of my student society. This year I’d like to further prove to be a commendable and dedicated student role model as Student Trustee. I hope to

  • Paridhi Gupta Manifesto

    Empowering Your Voice, Enriching Our Union

  • Aayush Jain Manifesto

    Your Vote, Your Voice. Aayush for Student Trustee.

  • Sikander Khan Manifesto

    As the most powerful student organisation on campus it is vital that those who oversee it maintain its founding principles as a union by students for the students. In voting for me you vote for the student union to continue being the voice of Queen Mary's student body.

  • Arjun Mathur Manifesto

    "In the Halls of Education, I, Arjun Mathur, Your Trusted Representative, Promise to Uphold Integrity, Foster Unity, and Champion Your Rights. I will Advocate for Your Voice, Your Values, and Your Future as Student Trustee, Ensuring Your Dreams Take Center Stage in Our Student Union."

  • Harshvardhan Singh Manifesto

    Shine with Confidence, Connect with Kindness!

  • James Siswick Manifesto

    Trust me to be your trustee! I’m a third year medical student with 20+ years business experience. I’m an ex-KPMG partner, an accountant and a charity trustee. I’ll make sure the SU is well-run for the students, financially safe and legally sound.

  • Sakar Sultania Manifesto

    Your Union, My Responsibility: Student Trustee Ensuring Integrity and Prosperity!

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Volunteering Officer (Mile End)

If you have a knack for leadership and hold a passion for fundraising and events, then the Volunteering Officer role could be the perfect role to jump-start your university experience. The Students’ Union offers great volunteering opportunities for hundreds of students, who give their time to support charities, societies or local sport communities to make a positive difference and gain new skills.

  • Pavisna Paskaran Manifesto

    Vote for me!

  • Manisa Regami Manifesto

    I aim to represent the student voice and encourage community engagement regarding all volunteering services

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International Representative (HSS)

The International Representative (HSS) will gather feedback from and represent international students in the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences on academic issues and welfare issues affecting them. You’ll also be responsible for supporting the Vice President Communities, working with the International Representatives (Barts and The London, and Science & Engineering) to encourage the students they represent to participate and engage with the Students’ Union.

  • Sanchali Antal Manifesto

    Even before joining QMUL, I have actively engaged in activities around me and I have held many leadership roles that make me a perfect candidate for representing International Students.

  • Thaleia Antoniou Kyriazaki Manifesto

    I am requesting your support now, so that I can also support you throughout the year!

  • Samarth Lakhanpal Manifesto

    Vote for Samarth!

  • Nimra Manifesto

    "Empowering Global Minds, Shaping Future Leaders: PGT International Representative - Your Gateway to Excellence, Diversity, and Success!"

  • Rita Okolo

    Rita is Synonymous with Competence, Humility and Service! We may look like the minority but our voice shouldn’t be heard any less. This is a vote for competence, equality, structure and inclusion. Every international student has a right to have his/her concerns addressed. I am here to serve! Vote me.

  • Manas Pandey Manifesto

    Our School, Our Voice, Your Voice

  • Mohammed Sheikh Manifesto

    Whatever the language, the message is the same. Help make QM feel like home for all International Students!

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