If you are looking to plan events or activities involving under-18s or adults at risk, please contact su-volunteering@qmul.ac.uk to discuss safeguarding measures that may need to be put in place for your event or activity. Types of activity could include:
- School visits
- Inviting sixth form students on-campus for conferences
- Selling tickets to an event
- Delivering a session at a care home
The Students' Union takes safeguarding seriously and has safeguarding policies and procedures in place to protect you as well as any children or adults at risk you come into contact with as part of your involvement in Students' Union activity (such as community volunteering or through a society or club).
The definition of a child is anybody up to the age of 18.
The definition of an adult at risk is a person aged 18 or over who is or may be in need of community care services because of mental or other disability, age or illness, and who is or may be unable to take care of their self or unable to protect their self against significant harm or exploitation. More information about the definition of an adult at risk can be found in the document below.
All students taking part in Students’ Union activity working with children or adults at risk have a responsibility to ensure that they can recognise signs of abuse or neglect, how to respond to it and how to report it. It is also important that students avoid situations in which their interaction with children or adults at risk could lead to accusations against them personally. This can also include children or adults at risk attending an event as a ticket holder.