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Sports Awards
Sports Award categories:
President of the Year
Outstanding Leadership Skills
Holistic approach to club development
Approachable and effective for all associated parties
Made significant, relevant and positive changes within their club
Christina Carrington - BL Water Polo
Rupert Yeung - QM Barbell
Kaya Burrows - QM Fencing
Winner: Christina Carrington - BL Water Polo
Most Improved Club
Has shown clear all-round progression from previous years
Sustainable club development has been implemented
Pro-active club committee and club members driving club development forward
Increased the club offer whilst maintaining high standards of student satisfaction
QM Badminton
QM Cricket
QM Archery
Winner: QM Badminton
Committee of the Year
Well-structured Committee
Regular Meetings
Excellent Communication Skills with Students' Union Staff and Club members
QM Barbell
QM Dance
QM Men's Football
Winner: QM Barbell
Captain of the Year
Excellent leadership skills
Team and club respect
Positive role model
Encouraging and inspiring
Excellent communication skills
Hard working
Adrian Wong - QMBL Table Tennis
Arianne Jones - QMBL Women's Basketball
Matthew Palmer - QM Men's Hockey
Paula M. Fernandez Garrigues - QM Women's Football
Riyadh Ul Islam - QM Calisthenics
Zeyad Elsayed - QM Men's Football
Winner: Adrian Wong - QMBL Table Tennis
Get Active Club Contribution of the Year
Coach of the Year
Clear plan for club development
Good communication with club committee, members and Students’ Union
Evidence of playing progress
Nattal - QM Calisthenics
Jaycee - QMBL Table Tennis
Jason - QM Hockey
Daniel Afti - QM Women's Football
Arin Mital - QM Badminton
Alex Connor - QMBL Women's Basketball
Winner: Jason - QM Hockey
Sportsperson of the Year
High performer
Active in sports development in and out of the club
Always strive to do their best
Leadership skills on and off the field
Sets and exception example to fellow club members
Evie Clark - QM Dance and QMBL Women's Rugby
Hemanjali Yadlapalli - QMBL Women's Basketball
Kaya Burrows - QMBL Fencing
Kirn Bal - QM Women's Football and QMBL Women's Basketball
Mayvin Vigneswaran - QM Men's Football
Shrirang Ashtaputre - QMBL Table Tennis
Winner: Kaya Burrows - QMBL Fencing
RAG Charity Work of the Year
Awarded to the club who has championed charity and campaign work
This club will have had a considerable impact within both the local and QMUL community and will have inspired others to get involved and support them in their charitable aims
BL Netball
QM Hockey
QM Men's Rugby
QMBL Women's Basketball
QM Dance
QM Men's Football
Winner: QM Men's Rugby
Team of the Year
Notable success in fixtures
Highly organised
Strong team morale
Highly organised
Consistent numbers at training sessions
Excellent communication and cooperation with Students’ Union staff
QM Hockey - Men's
QMBL Fencing - Women's
QMBL Table Tennis - Men's
QMBL Women's Basketball
QM Men's Football, 1st Team
QM Women's Football, 2nd Team
Winner: QMBL Table Tennis - Men's
Club of the Year
Highly achieving sporting year
Financially stable
Clear club development plan and player development
Active in the community and with charity work
Excellent communication with the Students’ Union
Positive social presence
Coach support planning
Student satisfaction in terms of both performance and participation
QM Calisthenics
QMBL Fencing
QMBL Table Tennis
QMBL Women's Basketball
QM Men's Football
QM Women's Football Club
Winner: QMBL Fencing
Jack Petchey Award
Awarded to a member who has gone above and beyond in their role for their club
Individual should stand out from the crowd in their commitment to their club, engagement with club members and engagement with the Students’ Union
Etey Bassey - QM Men's Basketball
Jaycee Wei Keng Chan - QMBL Table Tennis
Tiger - QM Archery/HEMA
Winner: Etey Bassey - QM Men's Basketball