Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)
Some students are eligible for Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA), which covers some of the extra costs you have because of a mental health problem, long term illness or any other disability. You can get DSA on top of your other student finance and you do not need to repay it. The Disability and Dyslexia Service at Queen Mary can provide advice and guidance about accessing DSA.
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National disability charity that campaigns to challenge and change negative attitudes about disability and provides direct services.
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Disability Rights UK
National disability charity run by and for people with lived experience of disability or health conditions.
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NUS Disabled Students’ Campaign
The National Union of Students (NUS) is the national membership organisation for Students’ Unions across the UK. Its Disabled Students’ Campaign is led by disabled students including a full-time, elected Disabled Students’ Officer who represents the interests of disabled students across the UK to government and other bodies. You can read about its work at the link below.
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