Rugby (Women)


QMBL Women’s Rugby is a friendly and competitive club for women wishing to try something new at university. We cater to all skill levels, starting with those of you who have never picked up a rugby ball before to those that are seasoned players.

We hold regular training sessions each week to help improve and develop our rugby and team skills. Training is delivered in a fun and friendly atmosphere and primarily gives members the opportunity to stay active. Additionally, there is a weekly fitness and conditioning session that aims to provide a well rounded basic level of fitness whilst creating a chance to improve team bonding. 

QMBL Women’s Rugby also opens up another fundamental aspect of university life, by not only providing physical training but by also having fun weekly social events open to all members.

Taster Session

  • Sunday 25th September 2022
  • Time: 13:30 -15:30
  • Location: East London Rugby Club (West Ham)

A casual day where everyone can meet the team, beginners can learn some basic skills and more experienced players can practice with the team.

Bring sportswear (trainers, tracksuit bottoms/shorts etc) and a waterbottle.


Mondays, 19.00 - 21.00, East London Rugby Club (West Ham).

Wednesday, 14:30 - 15:30, Stepney Green Park 

Equipment: People who choose to become members will need their own boots, gumshields and training wear (shorts etc). Match kit is provided.

Commitment levels required: Attendance at all training and matches.


Queen Mary and Barts and the London Women's Rugby club compete in BUCS league and BUCS Cup.


  • Wednesdays
  • 12pm onwards
  • Venue changes depending on fixture


The club holds weekly social events on Wednesday afternoon/evenings and all members are welcome to come along. Our previous socials have included, but are not limited to, sampling the local curry houses in Brick Lane, pub golf, picnics in the park, tables at Barts and the end of month Hail Mary in the student union, where we celebrate the sporting achievements of the sports clubs at Queen Mary.

How to get Involved

  1. Visit the Instagram page and get in contact with the club committee members.
  2. Attend the taster session - this first session is free!
  3. Purchase your subs - at the Hub (Mile End), BLSA reception (Whitechapel) or online.
  4. Enjoy! Take part in the sessions, and compete in the matches.

Personal Fitness

QMSU offers a gym on the Mile End campus, Qmotion, as well as a sister-gym in Charterhouse Square, Fitness to Practice, both with competitive student membership rates. This is ideal for students who want to purchase a gym membership - which is separate from a Club Sport subs - to improve and maintain peak physical fitness.

With every gym membership, you get a free 60 minute one-to-one session with trained instructors which includes:

  • A personalised gym programme tailored to your own fitness goals;
  • A full demonstration of exercise and techniques, and guidance on resistance machines;
  • Information and advice on nutrition;
  • A 60 minute review session every 6-8 weeks to re-evaluate and re-customise a new programme to avoid plateaus.

Contact Details

President - Thando Rwodzi (

Captain - Ciara McAree




*Memberships are non-refundable after taster sessions

No elections are currently running

Contact Us
